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SEAHARMONY is proud to introduce its avant-garde 3D imaging technology to stakeholders in the shipping sector. The web platform facilitates the three-dimensional visualization of a vessel and all its parts. Below, we highlight how the platform works and how participants in the maritime ecosystem stand to benefit from the technology.

1. Access to a 3D view of your vessel in real-time

With 3D imaging technology, a full-view of the inner workings of a ship can be constructed. You can see the status of all navigational, communications, and mechanical equipment. If a system is faulty, a specialist would be able to point it out from this 3D view, even without stepping foot on the vessel.

Additionally, the SEAHARMONY 3D imaging platform can be accessed round-the-clock and from anywhere in the world. This provides shipowners, vessel operators, and other key stakeholders with nonstop access to their ships. They can evaluate its condition at any time, conduct virtual tours, carry out maintenance checks, and provide emergency assistance.

2. Conduct maintenance checks and repairs remotely

The 3D imaging system can be integrated with virtual information to provide a more detailed overview to the user. This means that while looking at the multi-dimensional image of a vessel, you can also pull up equipment manuals, drawings, and the ship’s procedures (e.g., restart mechanism of critical equipment, maintenance checklists, UMS procedure, and equipment tests).

As a result, the 3D imaging technology can be used to conduct remote maintenance checks and minor repairs. Say a vessel is stuck at sea, shipowners can commission the services of experts and have them collaborate with crew members to carry out minor repairs and maintenance.

3. Optimize emergency response with 360-degree imaging

In the past, emergency response service (ERS) teams relied on 2D drawings to visualize the area of damage, and they provide solutions based on this—often inadequate—viewpoint. With 3D imaging from SEAHARMONY, however, ERS can see the affected area in 360-degree and assess the damage more extensively. This improves their ability to pinpoint the problem and proffer effective assistance.

4. Set up off-site crew training and familiarization

Sometimes, circumstances dictate that a vessel’s crew is changed on short notice. Training new members has posed some problems in the past, and ship operators often struggle to provide the right training programs/scenarios for new officers.

However, a 3D image of the ship, augmented with training drills, equipment manuals, and handover notes, can be used to create a realistic environment that shows the new crew members a replica of what they’re likely to meet on the ground. Scenarios they are likely to face in reality can be drawn up, and amateurs can practice until they master the necessary skills.

This considerably increases the quality of training they receive, reduces the time it takes for new members to get familiar with the vessel and its equipment, and improves their response to danger or an emergency.

5. Streamline operations and cut out unnecessary costs

Imagine being able to see everything going on your ship in real-time. Now imagine that your view is three-dimensional, allowing you to see all equipment, engines, and parts of the vessel from any angle. The potential benefits are staggering.

Shipowners would no longer need to fly specialists across countries to carry out maintenance checks and fix minor problems. Via our web platform, they can simply connect the experts to a 3D and real-time visualization of the ship, and crew members can be given instructions to fix faults or conduct inspections.

Aside from the financial advantages of this solution, think of the number of hours that can be saved. Furthermore, by making inspections and maintenance readily accessible, the ship’s life span is improved, leading to even more tangible gain for all stakeholders.

All these and more are made possible by the SEAHARMONY 3D imaging platform. To find out more about this technology or make inquiries, visit our website or send your questions to info@seaharmony.co.uk